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Accessing Replays(Deprecated)Updated 4 months ago

For instructions on using our new replay system, please click here - 


Here are the steps you can follow to access replays on a laptop/computer:

1. Click on "Watch" on the top menu bar

2. Click on the red "Replays & Bonus Videos" tab

3. Click "Watch Session" to watch the specific session you are looking for

Here are the steps you can follow to access replays on an iPad/mobile device using the Streamline Stage application:

1. Tap on "Watch" on the bottom bar of the application

2. Tap on the "Sun, 01 Jan" tab

3. Tap on a session you would like to watch and then tap "Water Session" on the bottom center

Here's a quick video tutorial on accessing the replays - 

To view the video in full screen, please click the link here - https://vimeo.com/857171530

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