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What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and PayPal. For mail in orders, we also accept personal checks, cashier checks and money orders.

How long does it take to receive my order?

All orders are shipped Monday through Friday, excluding government holidays, Thanksgiving weekend and Christmas week. Also, if your order includes a back-order item, this may delay the shipping date. Domestic Shipping - Expected delivery 3 to 5 busin

Which version should I purchase?

DVD - Physical DVD to be played in desktop player attached to your TV or in a laptop/computer with disc drive.Streaming Video - Get streaming access similar to Netflix and Spotify (you can download in the app for offline viewing).

My computer reports that my DVD is a blank disc

In very rare cases (fewer than 1 in 1000), our DVD duplicator accidentally ships a blank DVD in a batch of duplicated DVDs. If your computer reports that your DVD is a blank disc or a blank DVD-R, please contact us, and we will send you a replacement

What is the cost of shipping and handling?

We offer free shipping on domestic orders. (U.S. shipping)

What forms of shipping do you offer?

For Domestic and International Shipping, we use US Postal Service: First Class, Media and Priority Mail. Once a package leaves the US, international customers need to check with their country's postal service for further information